Mother Save Baby in Refrigerator For 3 Months

Tarakan City Resort Police North Kalimantan secures SA (24), resident of Jalan Lestari RT 21, Kelurahan Karang Harapan, Tarakan City. He allegedly kept the baby's body that he had just born in the refrigerator. Tarakan Police Chief AKBP Dearystone Supit said the baby of the female sex according to the confession of the perpetrator has been stored in the refrigerator for 3 months. "SA confessed that the baby was born in May," he said on Friday (4/8/2017). SA also claimed to bear the baby alone in the bathroom of his house. The mother of one child is admitted to panic and frantic so take desperate action by wrapping baby with black plastic. The baby in a black plastic bag that SA thought was lifeless was put in the fridge freezer at his home. Two days later, the frozen baby was transferred to the refrigerator at her husband's car wash, DO, on Jalan Pulau Bunyu RT 11 Karang Harapan urban village, Tarakan City. "From his confession, he i...