SADISTIC ... !!! For 3 Years The Mother For Her Child with Sedative Drugs and Kept In Closet Cabinets

The fate of
Jonathan Daniel Aguilar is unfortunate.
11-year-old boy from Los Angeles was locked up and injected with a sedative by
his mother Veronia Aguilar (39) for three years.
Mirror site
on Saturday (29/10/2016) writes the event unfolded after Jonathan's brother
told his stepfather that something was wrong in his mother's closet.
examined it turns out his son Jonathan who suffered from autism is known to
To the left
of Jonathan was a sedative, and a number of used syringes suspected of being a
Jonathan's body was thin, as was his bones.
search results, Verconica deliberately hide his son in the closet for not
even lied to her husband, and her parents that her first child (Jonathan) had
been taken to Mexico since 2013.
He said
Jonathan was studying there.
Everyone in
trust with Veronica's testimony except her youngest child.
Veronica's youngest son was pressured not to speak to anyone.
As a result,
all the secrets were kept tight for three years.
Every day,
Jonathan was given a sedative. He also does not eat every day.
Jonathan's body was emaciated. Weighing just 15.8 kilograms when found dead in
August 2016.
Jonathan's suffering is now over. He is calm in the afterlife today.
In addition,
her mother had also been taken to court last week.
The judge
then sentenced Veronica to prison and served a social sentence.
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